Equip your terraces and gardens with shade sails.

Shade sails and home and garden equipment: terrace protection at the heart of French concerns...

Home and garden equipment as a whole is a world apart. We find everything these days and the most popular objects are not necessarily those related to the connected home as one might think with this digital emergence we are seeing.

Of course, there is furniture, household appliances, decorative objects, lighting, household linen and, above all, garden design objects... However, there is a great deal of interest in security and protection products for the home, such as wireless home alarms, which are gaining in popularity... SECURITY AND PROTECTION FIRST and foremost, you might say...!

The indoor and outdoor decoration market is a world that is constantly evolving, and each year is full of novelties for the home and garden design market.

Indoor and outdoor furnishings: a market on the move.


installation of shade sails

The Institut d'Études et de Promotion de l'Ameublement, also known as Ipea, considers home and garden design to be the favourite hobby of the French, and the second largest expenditure item after food costs.

It is a rather disparate market and subject to drastic rules.

The home furnishing market fluctuates at the expense of households, in contrast to the food market which remains a priority. Changing one's sofa or other decorative object does not benefit from this urgency... This instability is reinforced all the more as the stability of the real estate market has a positive or negative impact on the home and garden design market.

Et cette règle s’applique de façon globale, car qui n’a pas changé de déco lors d’un aménagement dans des locaux neufs ? Tout le monde bien sûr….

Malheureusement, aujourd’hui, la crise a quelque peu changé la donne et les Français inquiets pour l'avenir ou trop justes financièrement pour acheter plus grand ont largement compensé en redonnant un coup de jeune à leur extérieur, qui constitue une extension à un habitat devenu trop petit.

Cette tendance a largement profité aux grandes surfaces de bricolage, comme on s'en doute, mais pas seulement. Ainsi, en 2022, les segments du bricolage/revêtements murs, sols et carrelage ont réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 6,6 milliards d'euros en France. Les marchés du petit électroménager, des tapis et de la télévision/vidéo quant à eux ont  14% des parts de marché, tandis que les objets de décoration de + 3 %.

Shade sails, a sure way to add value to your property

Outdoor design in a few figures :

- 4 out of 5 French people have a garden or terrace

- The terrace or garden offers real added value to your property.

 - In terms of budgets, landscaping a garden or terrace represents €295 of annual expenditure, or €8 billion in 2019.

Although trends in garden and home furnishings are difficult to decipher, there is a certain willingness to mix contemporary, modern and traditional.

Overlapping shade sails in different colours

Furniture is no longer perceived as a heritage value; it is replaced according to one's own desires and at will.

Today, we want to have an exterior and interior that reflects our image and is tailor-made.

The market for garden furniture has surged in the last 15 years, in addition to all the expense of maintaining your garden.

The trend is a continuation of that of previous years, our terrace or garden has become a real living space to the point that interior furniture is inspired by the design and originality of garden decoration objects.

Embellishing your exterior has become a necessity and a wide variety of products exist to decorate, but also to protect us from the vagaries of the weather. There is a solution for every need and there is no shortage of choice in this area.

Garden sheds have become an important part of garden design.

And it has to be said that for the outdoor design trends of the last few years, shade sails offer the best compromise in terms of design, originality and customisation.

In fact, the shade sail, in addition to providing maximum sun protection, offers infinite possibilities. Shade sail packages allow for atypical and original configurations. An excellent means of providing shelter, whether the area is large or small.

Aesthetically pleasing, the waterproof shade sails will protect you from UV rays and rain, and the perforated shade sails are ideal for windy environments.

 Numerous models of shade sails and installation accessories and solid, resistant masts exist to adapt to any type of environment (windy, rainy, cyclonic, etc.), to your exterior and interior decoration and to the size of the space to be shaded.

It is also possible to make your own customised sail.

Watch some of the atypical and designer shade sail installations in videos:

We can conclude by saying that there is a growing mix of do-it-yourself, customised interior and exterior design. And in the face of this jumbled offer, your main "market asset" remains the shade sail.

The design of your home and garden therefore plays a very important role in the development of your capital, hence the interest in calling on specialists when you are sure that you are not up to the task of carrying out your patio design project.